Alley Doors ~ Crested Butte, Colorado
Alley Doors Crested Butte Colorado
During December and January of this winter season, I wandered through the alleys of Crested Butte, finding and photographing the unique and beautiful doors that grace the back roads of this picturesque town. When I first began looking for these doors I could only find a few at a time, but the more I walked around, I started to see them everywhere. I was taken with the colors, textures, and characters of these doors. Coupled with the falling snow, they created a wonderful scene.
Back To Film
Last Spring, I bought a 6×7 medium format film camera to help “jump” me out of a creative rut and to help slow down my photographic approach. Shooting film again has helped me do just that (especially when each shot costs roughly $2.50). In this slowing down, I find I am breathing more, really “seeing” the landscape, and creating more balanced images. I had forgotten how beautiful film “looks”. Velvia, in particular, is a highly saturated film with very fine grain, which I simply love.

I still shoot with a digital camera and will continue to do so, but for my landscape work, for now, i’m going back to my roots…Velvia.
-All images in the gallery are available for purchase, please contact me with any questions.-All photographs taken with a Mamiya 7ii , 80mm lens, and Velvia 50Thanks for looking!