I SHOT IT Competition Winner : First Prize
Competition Winner : First Prize In incredibly honored to receive another first prize from this great contest…Thank you!
Competition Winner : First Prize In incredibly honored to receive another first prize from this great contest…Thank you!
“Lupine in the Wind” Shot this in mid June. The Lupine were incredibly beautiful this year. Roughly a 40 second exposure on Velvia 50 Enjoy!.
Well hello everyone! Its been about a month since my last post. Been busy with photography lessons/workshops and manning the gallery. I haven’t shot much in the last 6 weeks, …
The wildflowers here in Crested Butte are having a fantastic year. If you have the means to do so, I highly recommend making a trip out to any one of …
Some of you may already know that I took a trip to Scotland this Spring to photograph in the Outer Hebrides. I must say the trip was absolutely amazing. Everyday …
Competition Winner : First Prize I am incredibly excited to announce that I won first prize in The I SHOT IT photo competition! I don’t usually enter competitions, but I’d …
Images from Thailand – Accepting what is This Black and White series from Thailand below came about due to a few unforeseen factors and mistakes…I did not “get to know” …
Return to Thailand Spring Bike tour 2011 My wife Susan and I will be flying to Thailand this Tuesday for a tour of some of Thailand’s most secluded and beautiful …
Alley Doors Crested Butte Colorado During December and January of this winter season, I wandered through the alleys of Crested Butte, finding and photographing the unique and beautiful doors that …